Messages from the Board
January 16, 2024
The next Board of Directors meeting will be Wednesday, March 19th @ 6 pm via Zoom. If you would like to attend please email [email protected] to request a link.
Board of Directors meetings will be held monthly on Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm. This could change due to scheduling conflicts.
The board meets once a month. If you are interested in joining our board as a member please email: [email protected]. Thank you!!
Please consider joining the Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 school year! It’s a great way to get involved and help our school! You do not have to be a parent of a preschooler to join! In fact we have past/current preschool parents, community members and one of our preschool graduates on our Board!
If you or someone you know would like more information about how to join or what a Board Member does, please see our Director for details and/or check out our link to our Bylaws!