Boys with Puzzle
Kids at Paint Easel
Kids Stringing Beads

Rising Stars Preschool does not provide transportation to or from school. Families are responsible for their own transportation.
We also do not provide childcare services before or after classes.

2024-2025 School Supply List

2024-2025 Parent Handbook



Arts and Crafts:

The majority of our projects are focused around the holidays and theme units.  Arts and craft projects stimulate a child’s mind to be creative. These activities also assist in development of fine and gross motor skills. Children also achieve a sense of pride and accomplishment through the development of projects. Open –ended art allows the child to explore the use of various materials and processes and enjoy what happens. Craft projects are designed to help children develop their creativity and the use of specific skills.  Uneven or lopsided projects are to be expected from all children of this age. The children are in the process of learning.  It is the “process not the product” that is important. Please keep this in mind and treat all of your children’s projects as masterpieces!

Circle Time:

Circle time provides the children with the opportunity to interact with each other as a group. During this time, we will learn calendar skills, weather skills, sing songs, play games, read stories and learn about each other.

Kindergarten Readiness:

We will focus on social-emotional development including learning to sit and listen at circle time, learning to use their words to express their needs and wants, and learning to write their first name.

Learning Centers:

These areas are set up by teachers and students and are changed every two weeks to fit the changing themes. Materials and equipment in each area may promote social or individual play. Learning centers may be designed around a theme or cues from the children.

Letters and Numbers:

Children will learn to recognize, identify, and eventually write some letters and numbers. Games, songs, daily projects, and name writing will solidify these concepts.


Manipulatives develop organizational skills like sorting, counting, comparing, classifying, matching, and shape recognition.

Self- Help Skills:

Staff will assist children in areas of practical life and self-help development by providing activities that encourage using undeveloped skills. The goal for children of all ages is to promote positive self-esteem and competence. Whether buttoning, pouring, folding, preparing food, or cleaning a table, children experience real life situations and activities that encourage them to expand their independence.

Sensory Experiences:

Children will be provided with a wide variety of hands on, concrete, real world sensory experiences. They will begin to discuss and learn all about their senses and how to use them.

Small Groups:

This time is a more structured time of the day. During small group time, children may work on projects, games & puzzles, letter activities and social skills.

Weekly and Bi-Weekly Themes:

We have general weekly themes that are established to promote developmental skills, and to enrich all children’s understanding of their world. The themes have educational, social, cultural, and emotional value.


Daily Schedule for AM Class
8:30 – Arrival/Morning Boxes
8:55 – Weather/Calendar
9:20 – Snack
9:40 – Music and Movement
9:50 – Circle Time
10:10 – Centers/Choice Time
10:45 – Outside Time
11:15 – Story Time/Songs
11:30 – Dismissal

Daily Schedule for PM Class
12:45 – Arrival/Afternoon Boxes
1:10 – Weather/Calendar
1:35 – Snack
1:55 – Music and Movement
2:05 – Circle Time
2:25 – Centers/Choice Time
3:00 – Outside Time
3:30 – Story Time/Songs
3:45 – Dismissal


  • Our 3-year old class meets Tues/Thurs from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuition for this class: $250/month.
  • Our 4-year old AM class meets Mon/Wed/Fri from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuition for this class: $300/month.
  • Our 4-year-old PM Class meets Tues/Wed/Thurs from 12:45 to 3:45 pm. Tuition for this class: $300/month.

If you would like more information, have questions, or would like to request a registration packet, please feel free to call Rising Stars Preschool at (541) 536-8362 or email us at [email protected]